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9/22/2014 IdealShape’s Body Shaping Program includes a weight loss protein shake, weight loss support supplement, exercise and nutrition guide, exercise equipment and weight loss hypnotherapy CD series. Customers can order products online at or by phone at 800-515-0896. Guidance and training for competitive examinations such as GATE, CAT, GRE, TOEFL etc are arranged in association with reputed training institutes such as TIME, ACE Academy, MadeEasy, PrincetonReviews etc. GATE coaching for ECE students is offered by inhouse and few guest faculties. 该系列产品包括IdealShake™代餐饮品、Idealbar™代餐能量棒、NatralShape™ Supplement膳食补充剂和ResveraShape™ Supplement膳食补充剂;美国知名保健品公司Nutrigold®也推出了健康减重产品Healthy Weight-Loss Gold™,融合了包含Slendesta®在内的多种植物精华,从代谢、减脂、饱足 11/29/2014 5/31/2017 要进行健康的生活形态并非易事。忙碌、充满压力的生活形态造成不良的饮食习惯,并让人难以成功管理体重,而人们放弃减肥的最主要理由之一就是因为始终觉得饥饿,并且无法控制饥饿感。Slendesta马铃薯提取物(以下简称